Our Journey
Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia (AFPM), formerly known as College of General Practitioners is a non-profit professional body. It is the first general practitioner’s society that was established in Malaysia in 1973, and it has become one of the largest national medical organization of family doctors representing 3000 urban and rural general practitioners, family medicine specialist and academicians. The Academy of Family Physicians is governed by the EXCO and Council under the AFPM Constitution. Members of the EXCO and Council are elected during the Annual General meetings.
The college of General Practitioner of Malaysia was first located on the 5th floor of MMA building. No. 124, Jalan Pahang, Titiwangsa Sentral, 53000, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur opposite Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL).
In 1995 the college was registered as Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia with the registrar of society led by the then President Dato’ Paduka Dr Ruby Binti Abdul Majeed.
His Royal Highness Tuanku Syed Putra Ibni Almarhum Syed Hassan Jamalullai, Raja of Perlis was the founder Patron of The Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia.
In 1999/2000, His Royal Highness Tuanku Syed Putra Ibni Almarhum Syed Hassan Jamalullai’s son, D.Y.M.M Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalulail Raja Negeri Perlis succeeded as the Patron of The Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia. He was the Patron till 2003, after which His Royal Highness decided to step down.
The Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia’s primary objective are as follows:
To advance the Art and Science of Medicine for the general benefit of mankind, irrespective of race, creed or religion.
To promote and maintain high standards of medical practice and to this end to establish an agency for quality in health care.
To encourage and assist research into medical, scientific and allied subjects and to this establish an agency for Research in Health care.
The Academy of Family Physicians has high international standing and is a member of World Organisation of National colleges and Academies (WONCA). It has established a good and strong relationship with ASEAN sister colleges through an informal partnership called ASEAN Reginal Primary Care group (ARPAC). The Academy has long standing Memorandum of understanding with Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to train and conduct Conjoint membership examination for general practitioners leading to MAFP/FRACGP exam. This MAFP/FRACGP award is registrable with National Specialist Register and it is the only internationally recognized qualification in Family Medicine in Malaysia.
"In year 2023, AFPM has celebrating its 50 years of excellence and dedication..."
In year 2023, AFPM has celebrating its 50 years of excellence and dedication, with theme of "A Golden Milestone: Incredible Past, Resplendent Present, Envision Promising Future". AFPM Golden Jubilee celebration marks 50 years of achievements and milestones, inviting members to embark on a journey through its rich history. To commemorate this momentous occasion, an e-book is published, highlighting key events, influential figures, and the evolution of the organization, ensuring that the legacy continues to inspire future generations.
Join us as we celebrate this significant milestone and the invaluable contributions of our members, partners, and supporters in advancing family medicine and healthcare in Malaysia. Together, let's embrace the spirit of collaboration, innovation, and compassion as we continue to strive for excellence in patient care and community well-being. Here's to 50 years of excellence and to many more years of meaningful impact ahead!