Other Courses
We also offer a variety of courses in addition to our core training programs. These courses are:
Postgraduate Diploma in Dermatology for Primary Care Physicians
Certificate in Sexually Transmitted Infections for Primary Care Physicians
These courses provide valuable opportunities for healthcare professionals at various career stages to enhance their skills, stay updated with the latest practices, and improve patient care through tailored continuous professional development programs.
This is a distant learning course. There will be 3 Modular Clinical workshops. Candidates will be provided with instructive module texts which will teach them to understand dermatology beginning from the fundamentals to the art, real-time practice and its concepts.
To provide the physicians with a structured educational experience in dermatology with an opportunity through its workshops & seminars to:
Acquire the necessary skills for the diagnosis and treatment of common conditions involving the skin & accessory structures.
Provide diagnostic skills to be able to perform biopsy's skin culture, skin scraping, use mechanical device i.e. woods lamp electrosurgery, microdermabrasion.
Elaborate on the rationale behind the science & arts of various non-invasive procedures i.e. chemical peels, lasers etc.
Share practical skills to demonstrate how to blend traditional dermatology with procedures in aesthetic medicine.
Enhance their therapeutic skills in topical and systemic dermatological practice.
Emphasize on how to incorporate surgical skills in primary care practice by training workshops in procedures like electrosurgery, punch biopsy, excision of minor skin lesions, administration of intralesional steroids incision & drainage.
Additional training in aesthetic medicine will be provided, which will include the introduction to intra dermo-therapy lipolysis, management of melasma, acne therapy and cosmeceuticals.
Microanatomy & functions of the skin
Principles of diagnosis of the skin
Common bacterial, viral mycobacteria, leprosy &
fungal infection of the skin -
Principles of dermatological therapy & common
investigative procedures in skin management -
Introduction to aesthetic medicine
Slide quiz assessment
Contact dermatitis, eczemas, photodermatoses & urticaria
Dermatoses of pregnancy, introduction to paediatric & geriatric dermatology
Cosmetic dermatology, lasers & light chemical peels
Advances in aesthetic medicine anti-ageing vs Aesthetic med & Botulotoxin
Slide quiz assessment
Hair, nails pigmentary disorders
Introduction to dermatological surgery & hands-on workshop
Rejuvenation of the skin Neutraceutical, hormones of the skin
Genital dermatoses, STD & HIV
Cutaneous manifestations of autoimmune diseases, systemic disorders
Final exam with slide quiz and viva
Note: (MCQ) for all modules will be provided for open book testing

The Post Graduate Diploma Course in Dermatology for
Primary Care Physicians

Certificate in Teaching in
Family Medicine
The Certificate in Teaching in Family Medicine Course (Academic Session 2016/2017) serves to provide a structured and systematic training in fundamentals of medical education to family medicine teachers, especially trainers and assessors of the AFPM’s post-graduate training programs in Family Medicine.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, the participant would be able to:
Describe educational principles related to postgraduate medical training
Construct learning outcomes for own teaching session
Utilize appropriate teaching-learning approaches to support learners in postgraduate family medicine
Administer appropriate assessment methods to learners
Reflect upon own practices in guiding students
Course Methodology
This course is delivered by three distance-learning modules and three-day skills-building workshops. Minimum duration of six months is expected for completion of the course (expected completion is in March 2017). Designed with busy practitioners in mind, the discussions deal with only the essentials of education, as well as provision for extension is provided.
Who should enrol?
Module writers, workshop directors and mentors of GCFM & ATFM
Directors/coordinators of AFPM’s CPD courses & workshops
Examiners of the Conjoint MAFP/icFRACGP Examination
Trainees of the GCFM / ATFM with interest in teaching posts in universities
Family physicians who are interested to share knowledge and skill with juniors and colleagues
Teachers/lecturers of other disciplines in Medicine who are keen to upgrade their teaching skills
A) Distance learning modules consist of:
Module 1:
Principles of Education
Supporting the Learner
Planning to Teach
Module 2:
Teaching-learning Approaches
Evaluation of Teaching
Module 3:
Assessment of Learning
Giving Feedback
Note: Approximate time for completion of all modules and course assignment is 40 hours of reading/self-study time. (Approximate of 1-2 of hours study commitment per week)
B) Face-to-face teaching skills-building workshop (approximate 30 hours):
This consists of interactive and hands-on sessions to enhance teaching and facilitating skills. Facilitators include experienced family medicine teachers and invited medical education experts.
Topics include:
Facilitating tutorials and small-group learning
Teaching in Family Medicine Practices / Clinical Teaching in Ambulatory Care
Enhancing Communication Skills and Professionalism in Family Medicine
Giving Feedback to Learners
Note: Approximate time for attendance and completion of workshops is 30 hours
This is a practical course for the general practitioner designed to enhance Orthopaedics skills in a primary care setting. This course gives a practical approach to the management of common orthopaedic disorders seen at the General practitioner's Office. The course also offers a hands-on training to develop skills to address some of these conditions.
Topics are arranged to address the aetiology, clinical features and management of these conditions. A short revision of the anatomy and surface anatomy is demonstrated preceding each module.
Module 1: Introduces the participants to Repetitive Stress Injuries and the principles of soft tissue injections.
Module 2: Addresses common upper limb disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, Dequervain's tenosynovitis, ganglions and shoulder impingement syndrome.
Module 3: Practical management of common lower limb disorders like osteoarthritis of the knee, planter Facilities and ingrown toenails.
Module 4: Covers basic understanding of common sports injuries.
Module 5: Common splinting techniques for common sport injuries and their basic management.

Practical Orthopaedics for General Practitioners
For more information:
Contact: +6017-601 1500 (Medic Asia)
Registration Closing Date:
31 MARCH 2025
Limited to 50 pax ONLY

Certificate in Sexually
Transmitted Infections
for Primary
Care Physicians
Ms Nirmala Devi Argedas
Registration: TBA
conjoint with
leading to
This will be a hybrid course with single module to be done over a period of 3-months, followed by a 3-day weekend face-to-face contact program.
There will be an open book assessment at the beginning of the module and a close-book final assessment with a viva at the end of the 3-day face-to-face program. All candidates will be provided with learning module text on STI with the latest updates and guidelines from WHO, CDC, MOH Malaysia.
STIs are a major global cause of acute illness, infertility, long-term disability, and death, with severe medical and psychological impact. STIs have a profound impact on sexual and reproductive health worldwide. Misdiagnosing and mismanaging STIs may result in serious complications and sequalae.