What is AFPM?
Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia or AFPM (known also as Akademi Kedoktoran Keluarga Malaysia, AKKM in Bahasa Malaysia) is an organization in Malaysia which provides professional development ad continued medical education of the general practitioners. By providing this service of continuing education, the AFPM endeavors to improve the quality of healthcare delivery and is therefore concerned with higher quality of health of the people of Malaysia.
AFPM promotes the concept of 'One Family One Doctor' for Malaysians to support continuity of care.
The Academy relies heavily on the strength of its senior members to provide leadership over the last 30 years to plan and promote a lifetime of learning both through mentorship programme and through self learning. All categories of members may enlist into the Professional Development Programme (PDP) which spans over a period of 24 months following which an examination ensues as a test of competency to be eligible become a full Member of the Academy. Successful graduates are invited to undergo further training to be a Teacher or a Mentor of the Academy. They are then eligible to become examiners and ultimately a Censor or a Chief Censor.
The career improvement is self-fulfilling and creates a ladder to give young general practitioners a goal to reach. Simultaneously the self education enhances the practice of medicine to a better future.
Regular programmes are provided for the updating of our teachers, training of mentors and researchers, presentation at international conferences, the hosting of educational workshops which are rated and recognized by academicians internationally. This Academy therefore provides the backbone of quality primary healthcare delivery in Malaysia.
All categories of membership are eligible to benefit from reduced fees for courses, conferences, seminars. Members will also receive our newsletter, journal and enjoy the fellowship of doctors to enhance knowledge and comradeship.
All general practitioners are invited to apply to further your self to a life time of education.
To improve the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities in Malaysia.
To support our members in their pursuit of clinical excellence.
To promote high quality clinical practice, education and research for Malaysian General Practice.
Mission Objectives
To advance the Art and Science of Medicine for the general benefit of mankind, irrespective of race, creed or religion.
To arrange meetings, seminars, symposia and conferences to discuss medical and scientific problems / challenges.
To provide courses for medical practitioners in Family Medicine and related subjects including Family Practice, General Practice and Primary Health Care.
To promote and maintain high standards of medical practice and to this end to establish an "agency for quality in health care".
To encourage and assist research into medical, scientific and allied subjects and to this end to establish an agency for Research in Health Care.
To provide, endow or support scholarships, lectureships, readerships, and professorships.
To publish Journals, Newsletters, books and other publications with such approvals as required by law.
To give, grant, issue or bestow on medical practitioners, Certificates, Diplomas and /or other tokens of distinctions in recognition of proficiency or competence in Family Medicine Practice and subjects that are cognate to Family Medicine. Any such award will be based on a process of assessment or by examination or by thesis or by an honors course duly accredited by an accreditation body, and to create a register of such persons.
To construct, build or acquire by purchase, hire, lease, grant, sell, or mortgage any movable or immovable properties in furtherance of the Objects of the Academy and receive, borrow or invest money or lend money for any of the Objects of the Academy or to incorporate and to shares in such companies as Council may authorize.
To enter into affiliation with Institutions of higher learning, Academies, Organizations and bodies subscribing to similar objects.